W.A.P. C++

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Snehil Khanor's Binary Log

Write a program to Implement a Linked List in C++

The user is provided with the following options..

To insert an item at begining
To insert an item at end
To insert an item at position
To traverse the list
To delete first item
To delete last item
To delete item from position
To count no. of items in list

Select To use this code as it is.. select and copy paste this code into code.cpp file :)
  1. #include<conio.h>
  2. #include<stdio.h>
  3. #include<alloc.h>
  4. #include<process.h>
  5. struct node
  6. { int info;
  7. struct node *next;
  8. };
  9. typedef struct node sn;
  10. void insertatbeg(sn **,int);
  11. void insertatend(sn **,int);
  12. void insertatpos(sn **,int,int);
  13. void traverse(sn *);
  14. int delfirst(sn *);
  15. int dellast(sn *);
  16. int delpos(sn *,int);
  17. int count(sn *);
  18. //Coding by: Snehil Khanor
  19. //http://WapCPP.blogspot.com
  20. void main()
  21. { sn *p;
  22. int n,i,l;
  23. char ch;
  24. clrscr();
  25. p=NULL;
  26. do
  27. { printf("\n-----select an operation-----");
  28. printf("\n1->To insert an item at begining<-");
  29. printf("\n2->To insert an item at end<-");
  30. printf("\n3->To insert an item at position<-");
  31. printf("\n4->To traverse the list<-");
  32. printf("\n5->To delete first item<-");
  33. printf("\n6->To delete last item<-");
  34. printf("\n7->To delete item from position<-");
  35. printf("\n8->To count no. of items in list<-");
  36. printf("\n9->Exit<-");
  37. printf("\n->Enter your choice:");
  38. scanf("%d",&n);
  39. switch(n)
  40. { case 1:printf("\n->Enter the item to insert");
  41. scanf("%d",&i);
  42. insertatbeg(&p,i);
  43. break;
  44. case 2:printf("\n->Enter the item to insert");
  45. scanf("%d",&i);
  46. insertatend(&p,i);
  47. break;
  48. case 3:printf("\n->Enter the item to insert");
  49. scanf("%d",&i);
  50. printf("\n->Enter the position");
  51. scanf("%d",&l);
  52. insertatpos(&p,i,l);
  53. break;
  54. case 4:traverse(p);
  55. break;
  56. case 5:i=delfirst(p);
  57. printf("\nItem deleted is %d.",i);
  58. break;
  59. case 6:i=dellast(p);
  60. printf("\nItem deleted is %d.",i);
  61. break;
  62. case 7:printf("\n->Enter the position");
  63. scanf("%d",&l);
  64. i=delpos(p,l);
  65. printf("\nItem deleted is %d.",i);
  66. break;
  67. case 8:i=count(p);
  68. printf("\nNumber of nodes in list are %d.",i);
  69. break;
  70. case 9:exit(0);
  71. break;
  72. default:printf("\n->You have entered wrong choice");
  73. }
  74. printf("\n->Do you want to continue/exit(y/n)");
  75. fflush(stdin);
  76. scanf("%c",&ch);
  77. } while((ch=='y')||(ch=='Y'));
  78. getch();
  79. }
  80. int count(sn *p)
  81. { sn *temp;
  82. int c=1;
  83. temp=p;
  84. while((temp->next)!=NULL)
  85. { c++;
  86. temp=temp->next;
  87. }
  88. return c;
  89. }
  90. void insertatbeg(sn **p,int item)
  91. { sn *ptr;
  92. ptr=(sn *)malloc(sizeof(sn));
  93. ptr->info=item;
  94. if(*p==NULL)
  95. ptr->next=NULL;
  96. else
  97. ptr->next=*p;
  98. *p=ptr;
  99. }
  100. void insertatend(sn **p,int item)
  101. { sn *ptr,*temp;
  102. ptr=(sn *)malloc(sizeof(sn));
  103. ptr->info=item;
  104. ptr->next=NULL;
  105. if(*p==NULL)
  106. *p=ptr;
  107. else
  108. { temp=*p;
  109. while((temp->next)!=NULL)
  110. temp=temp->next;
  111. temp->next=ptr;
  112. }
  113. }
  114. void insertatpos(sn **p,int item,int loc)
  115. { sn *ptr,*temp,*s;
  116. int i,c;
  117. temp=*p;
  118. ptr=(sn *)malloc(sizeof(sn));
  119. ptr->info=item;
  120. c=count(*p);
  121. if(loc>c)
  122. printf("\nList is short,Item can't inserted");
  123. else
  124. {
  125. for(i=0;i<loc-1;i++)
  126. { s=temp;
  127. temp=temp->next;
  128. }
  129. ptr->next=s->next;
  130. s->next=ptr;
  131. }
  132. }
  133. //Coding by: Snehil Khanor
  134. //http://WapCPP.blogspot.com
  135. void traverse(sn *p)
  136. { sn *temp;
  137. if(p==NULL)
  138. printf("\nList is empty.");
  139. else
  140. {
  141. temp=p;
  142. while((temp->next)!=NULL)
  143. { printf("\nno.=%d",temp->info);
  144. temp=temp->next;
  145. }
  146. printf("\nno.=%d",temp->info);
  147. }
  148. }
  149. int delfirst(sn *p)
  150. { int item;
  151. sn *temp;
  152. if(p==NULL)
  153. { printf("\nList is empty");
  154. return 0;
  155. }
  156. else
  157. { temp=p;
  158. p=p->next;
  159. item=temp->info;
  160. free(temp);
  161. return item;
  162. }
  163. }
  164. int dellast(sn *p)
  165. { int item;
  166. sn *temp,*s;
  167. if(p==NULL)
  168. { printf("\nList is empty");
  169. return 0;
  170. }
  171. else
  172. { temp=p;
  173. while((temp->next)!=NULL)
  174. { s=temp;
  175. temp=temp->next;
  176. }
  177. item=temp->info;
  178. s->next=NULL;
  179. free(temp);
  180. return item;
  181. }
  182. }
  183. int delpos(sn *p,int loc)
  184. { int item,i,c;
  185. sn *temp,*s;
  186. c=count(p);
  187. if(p==NULL)
  188. { printf("\nList is empty");
  189. return 0;
  190. }
  191. else
  192. { if(loc>c)
  193. { printf("\nItem is not in list.");
  194. return 0;
  195. }
  196. else
  197. { temp=p;
  198. for(i=0;i<loc-1;i++)
  199. { s=temp;
  200. temp=temp->next;
  201. }
  202. item=temp->info;
  203. s->next=temp->next;
  204. free(temp);
  205. return item;
  206. }
  207. }
  208. }

Write a program to Implement a Queue in C++

User is asked to Insert into.. Delete from or Display the entire queue..

Select To use this code as it is.. select and copy paste this code into code.cpp file :)
  1. #include<stdio.h> 
  2. #include<conio.h> 
  3. #include<process.h> 
  4. int queue[5]; 
  5. long front,rear; 
  6. void initqueue(); 
  7. void display(); 
  8. void main() 
  9. int choice,info; 
  10. clrscr(); 
  11. while(1) 
  12. clrscr(); 
  13. printf(" MENU \n"); 
  14. printf("1.Insert an element in queue\n"); 
  15. printf("2.Delete an element from queue\n"); 
  16. printf("3.Display the queue\n"); 
  17. printf("4.Exit!\n"); 
  18. printf("Your choice: "); 
  19. scanf("%i",&choice); 
  20. //Coding by: Snehil Khanor  
  21. //http://WapCPP.blogspot.com  
  22. switch(choice) 
  23. case 1:if(rear<4) 
  24. printf("enter the number: "); 
  25. scanf("%d",&info); 
  26. if (front==-1) 
  27. front=0; 
  28. rear=0; 
  29. else 
  30. rear=rear+1; 
  31. queue[rear]=info; 
  32. else 
  33. printf("queue is full"); 
  34. getch(); 
  35. break; 
  36. case 2: int info; 
  37. if(front!=-1) 
  38. info=queue[front]; 
  39. if(front==rear) 
  40. front=-1; 
  41. rear=-1; 
  42. else 
  43. front=front+1; 
  44. printf("no deleted is = %d",info); 
  45. else 
  46. printf("queue is empty"); 
  47. getch(); 
  48. break; 
  49. case 3: display(); 
  50. getch(); 
  51. break; 
  52. case 4: exit(1); 
  53. break; 
  54. default:printf("You entered wrong choice!"); 
  55. getch(); 
  56. break; 
  57. void initqueue() 
  58. front=rear=-1; 
  59. void display() 
  60. int i; 
  61. for(i=front;i<=rear;i++) 
  62. printf("%i\n",queue[i]); 

Write a program to Implement a stack in C++

User is asked to PUSH, POP , or TRAVERSE.. PUSH is to add items to the Stack, POP is to remove item from the Stack, and TRAVERSE is to traverse the whole Stack

Select To use this code as it is.. select and copy paste this code into code.cpp file :)
  1. #include<stdio.h> 
  2. #include<conio.h> 
  3. #include<process.h> 
  4. #define MAXSIZE 10 
  5. void push(); 
  6. int pop(); 
  7. void traverse(); 
  8. int stack[MAXSIZE]; 
  9. int Top=-1; 
  10. void main() 
  11. int choice; 
  12. char ch; 
  13. do 
  14. clrscr(); 
  15. printf("\n1. PUSH "); 
  16. printf("\n2. POP "); 
  17. printf("\n3. TRAVERSE "); 
  18. printf("\nEnter your choice "); 
  19. scanf("%d",&choice); 
  20. switch(choice) 
  21. case 1: push(); 
  22. break; 
  23. case 2: printf("\nThe deleted element is %d ",pop()); 
  24. break; 
  25. case 3: traverse(); 
  26. break; 
  27. default: printf("\nYou Entered Wrong Choice"); 
  28. printf("\nDo You Wish To Continue (Y/N)"); 
  29. fflush(stdin); 
  30. scanf("%c",&ch); 
  31. while(ch=='Y' || ch=='y'); 
  32. //Coding by: Snehil Khanor  
  33. //http://WapCPP.blogspot.com  
  34. void push() 
  35. int item; 
  36. if(Top == MAXSIZE - 1) 
  37. printf("\nThe Stack Is Full"); 
  38. getch(); 
  39. exit(0); 
  40. else 
  41. printf("Enter the element to be inserted "); 
  42. scanf("%d",&item); 
  43. Top= Top+1; 
  44. stack[Top] = item; 
  46. int pop() 
  47. int item; 
  48. if(Top == -1) 
  49. printf("The stack is Empty"); 
  50. getch(); 
  51. exit(0); 
  52. else 
  53. item = stack[Top]; 
  54. Top = Top-1; 
  55. return(item); 
  57. void traverse() 
  58. int i; 
  59. if(Top == -1) 
  60. printf("The Stack is Empty"); 
  61. getch(); 
  62. exit(0); 
  63. else 
  64. for(i=Top;i>=0;i--) 
  65. printf("Traverse the element "); 
  66. printf("%d\n",stack[i]); 

Write a program to sort elements of array using Selection Sorting

Size of array is taken from user.. Elements are entered by user in any order... Sorting is performed..

Select To use this code as it is.. select and copy paste this code into code.cpp file :)
  1. #include<stdio.h> 
  2. #include<conio.h> 
  3. void main() 
  4. int a[100],n,i,j,temp,loc,min; 
  5. clrscr(); 
  6. printf("\How many elements:\n"); 
  7. scanf("%d",&n); 
  8. printf("Enter the element of array\n"); 
  9. for(i=0;i<=n-1;i++) 
  10. scanf("%d",&a[i]); 
  11. min=a[0]; 
  12. //Coding by: Snehil Khanor  
  13. //http://WapCPP.blogspot.com  
  14. for(i=0;i<=n-1;i++) 
  15. min=a[i]; 
  16. loc=i; 
  17. for(j=i+1;j<=n-1;j++) 
  18. if(a[j]<min) 
  19. min=a[j]; 
  20. loc=j; 
  21. if(loc!=1) 
  22. temp=a[i]; 
  23. a[i]=a[loc]; 
  24. a[loc]=temp; 
  26. printf("The number after selection sorting are:\n"); 
  27. for(i=0;i<=n-1;i++) 
  28. printf("%d\n",a[i]); 
  29. getch(); 

Write a program to sort elements of array using Quick Sort

Size of array is taken from user.. Elements are entered by user in any order... Sorting is performed..

Select To use this code as it is.. select and copy paste this code into code.cpp file :)
  1. #include<stdio.h> 
  2. #include<conio.h> 
  3. #define max 100 
  4. int a[max],n,i,l,h; 
  5. void main() 
  6. void input(void); 
  7. input(); 
  8. getch(); 
  10. void input(void) 
  11. void output(int a[],int n); 
  12. void quick_sort(int a[],int l,int h); 
  13. printf("How many elements in the array : "); 
  14. scanf("%d",&n); 
  15. printf("\n"); 
  16. printf("Enter the elemennts : \n"); 
  17. for(i=0;i<=n-1;i++) 
  18. scanf("%d",&a[i]); 
  19. l=0; 
  20. h=n-1; 
  21. quick_sort(a,l,h); 
  22. printf("Sorted Array :\n "); 
  23. output(a,n); 
  25. void quick_sort(int a[],int l, int h) 
  26. int temp,key,low,high; 
  27. low=l; 
  28. high=h; 
  29. key=a[(low+high)/2]; 
  30. do 
  31. while(key>a[low]) 
  32. low++; 
  33. while(key<a[high]) 
  34. high--; 
  35. if(low<=high) 
  36. temp=a[low]; 
  37. a[low++]=a[high]; 
  38. a[high--]=temp; 
  39. //Coding by: Snehil Khanor 
  40. //http://WapCPP.blogspot.com 
  41. } while(low<=high); 
  42. if(l<high) 
  43. quick_sort(a,l,high); 
  44. if(low<h) 
  45. quick_sort(a,low,h); 
  46. void output(int a[],int n) 
  47. for(i=0;i<=n-1;i++) 
  48. printf("%d\n",a[i]); 
  49. }

Write a program to sort elements of array using Insert Sorting

Size of array is taken from user.. Elements are entered by user in any order... Sorting is performed..

Select To use this code as it is.. select and copy paste this code into code.cpp file :)
  1. #include<stdio.h> 
  2. main() 
  3. int a[100],n,k,i,j,temp; 
  4. printf("How many elements: \n"); 
  5. scanf("%d",&n); 
  6. printf("Enter the element of array: \n"); 
  7. for(i=0;i<=n-1;i++) 
  8. scanf("%d",&a[i]); 
  9. for(k=1;k<=n-1;k++) 
  10. temp=a[k]; 
  11. j=k-1; 
  12. //Coding by: Snehil Khanor 
  13. //http://WapCPP.blogspot.com 
  14. while((temp<a[j])&&(j>=0)) 
  15. a[j+1]=a[j]; 
  16. j=j-1; 
  17. a[j+1]=temp; 
  18. printf("Elements of array after sorting: \n"); 
  19. for(i=0;i<=n-1;i++) 
  20. printf("%d\n",a[i]); 
  21. getch();

B.E / B.TECH Result May 2009 MDU

Difference Between a++ and ++a

The difference between a++ and ++a, is that when we use a++ in a program and then the effect would be on the next statement while the ++a, effect is that on the current line not on the next statement.
Example code:
Select To use this code as it is.. select and copy paste this code into code.cpp file :)
  1. #include<iostream.h>
  2. #include<conio.h>
  3. void main()
  4. {
  5. clrscr();
  6. int a,b;
  7. a=1;
  8. cout<<a<<endl;
  9. cout<<a++<<endl;
  10. cout<<a<<endl<<endl;
  11. b=5;
  12. cout<<b<<endl;
  13. cout<<++b<<endl;
  14. cout<<b<<endl;
  15. getch();
  16. }

Write a program to store Name, Age and address of student

Name age and address of students are stored in a string..
Select To use this code as it is.. select and copy paste this code into code.cpp file :)
  1. #include<iostream.h>
  2. #include<conio.h>
  3. #include<stdio.h>
  4. void main()
  5. {
  6. clrscr();
  7. char name[100],age[100],address[100];
  8. cout<<"Please enter a name: ";
  9. gets(name);
  10. cout<<"Please enter age: ";
  11. //Coding by: Snehil Khanor
  12. //http://WapCPP.blogspot.com
  13. gets(age);
  14. cout<<"Please eneter address: ";
  15. gets(address);
  16. cout<<endl<<endl<<"Name is: "<<name<<endl<<"Age is: "<<age<<endl<<"Address is:
  17. "<<address;
  18. getch();
  19. }

Write a program to count number of words in a line

A line is taken from user and number of words is calculated..
Select To use this code as it is.. select and copy paste this code into code.cpp file :)
  1. #include<iostream.h>
  2. #include<conio.h>
  3. #include<stdio.h>
  4. void main()
  5. {
  6. clrscr();
  7. char str[100];
  8. int w=1;
  9. cout<<"Please enter a String: ";
  10. gets(str);
  11. //Coding by: Snehil Khanor
  12. //http://WapCPP.blogspot.com
  13. for (int i=0;str[i]!='\0';i++)
  14. {
  15. if(str[i]==' ')
  16. w++;
  17. }
  18. cout<<"There are "<<w<<" words.";
  19. getch();
  20. }


About WAP C++

Here you'll find a wide range of programs' solution ranging from beginer level to advanced level.
All programs here are made, compiled and tested by me..and are running absolutely fine.. still if you find any bug in any program do let me know :)


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