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Snehil Khanor's Binary Log

Write a program to Implement a stack in C++

User is asked to PUSH, POP , or TRAVERSE.. PUSH is to add items to the Stack, POP is to remove item from the Stack, and TRAVERSE is to traverse the whole Stack

Select To use this code as it is.. select and copy paste this code into code.cpp file :)
  1. #include<stdio.h> 
  2. #include<conio.h> 
  3. #include<process.h> 
  4. #define MAXSIZE 10 
  5. void push(); 
  6. int pop(); 
  7. void traverse(); 
  8. int stack[MAXSIZE]; 
  9. int Top=-1; 
  10. void main() 
  11. int choice; 
  12. char ch; 
  13. do 
  14. clrscr(); 
  15. printf("\n1. PUSH "); 
  16. printf("\n2. POP "); 
  17. printf("\n3. TRAVERSE "); 
  18. printf("\nEnter your choice "); 
  19. scanf("%d",&choice); 
  20. switch(choice) 
  21. case 1: push(); 
  22. break; 
  23. case 2: printf("\nThe deleted element is %d ",pop()); 
  24. break; 
  25. case 3: traverse(); 
  26. break; 
  27. default: printf("\nYou Entered Wrong Choice"); 
  28. printf("\nDo You Wish To Continue (Y/N)"); 
  29. fflush(stdin); 
  30. scanf("%c",&ch); 
  31. while(ch=='Y' || ch=='y'); 
  32. //Coding by: Snehil Khanor  
  33. //http://WapCPP.blogspot.com  
  34. void push() 
  35. int item; 
  36. if(Top == MAXSIZE - 1) 
  37. printf("\nThe Stack Is Full"); 
  38. getch(); 
  39. exit(0); 
  40. else 
  41. printf("Enter the element to be inserted "); 
  42. scanf("%d",&item); 
  43. Top= Top+1; 
  44. stack[Top] = item; 
  46. int pop() 
  47. int item; 
  48. if(Top == -1) 
  49. printf("The stack is Empty"); 
  50. getch(); 
  51. exit(0); 
  52. else 
  53. item = stack[Top]; 
  54. Top = Top-1; 
  55. return(item); 
  57. void traverse() 
  58. int i; 
  59. if(Top == -1) 
  60. printf("The Stack is Empty"); 
  61. getch(); 
  62. exit(0); 
  63. else 
  64. for(i=Top;i>=0;i--) 
  65. printf("Traverse the element "); 
  66. printf("%d\n",stack[i]); 


Swaroop March 9, 2011 at 7:46 PM  

Write a program to implement a stack with 2d array

Swaroop March 9, 2011 at 7:47 PM  


Anonymous August 26, 2011 at 2:55 PM  

how to copy it in c++

Anonymous August 26, 2011 at 2:56 PM  

how to copy it in c++

Sites4every1 June 23, 2012 at 7:35 PM  

gurls r alwaz gurls
this wil work on c++ compiler bt is ths realy c++ oop
frm my point of view ths iz jst c pgm

Anonymous August 20, 2012 at 9:36 PM  

there is no class use in this program . how some one can say this a c++ program ?

Ishani February 2, 2014 at 5:27 PM  

hey can u please tell me what the scanf does and why do we use d% and can't we simple use cin or gets ??


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